Where does PR start? The question is more relevant than ever as decision makers look for answers to keep businesses afloat.

Why are PR advisors often kept on the outside until key decisions have been taken that impact personnel, customers and other stakeholders, ultimately deciding an organisation’s fate?

In the case of the PR consultant, as opposed to the internal communications manager, this post hoc approach can mean a waste of so much valuable perspective.

That given by a fresh set of eyes viewing the problems being faced from another direction; seeing the consequences of actions before they’re taken in terms of the what they’ll say about those who took them.

Keeping your PR consultant on the bench is wastefully dismissive of their value in having a finger on the pulse of what’s happening externally.

It is a matter of trust? In most cases possibly, and PR advisors need to demonstrate that they can bring in a lot more than their communications skills if they’re to win a place in the starting line-up.