In PR terms, it’s been a good week for the UAE, with rising Dubai property sales followed by an IMF forecast of faster economic growth driven by Expo 2020.
If there’s one thing that will encourage investors to take the plunge back into real estate, it’s the assurance they get from knowing that many already have.
The news that Dubai property sales in October were the highest since 2008, therefore, can only have been good for investor confidence.
Continuing the positive trend, the IMF has revised its growth forecast for the UAE upwards from a relatively modest above 1 per cent in 2019 to 3 per cent next year.
In between the two announcements came another headline grabber which helps to explain why the best PR is often driven by common sense.
The news that the UAE is likely to unblock the feature which allows calls to be made on WhatsApp was quickly welcomed by observers as a move to help businesses in the UAE, both in terms of costs and easier communication with counterparts from around the world.
The WhatsApp revelation quickly followed an announcement that Expo 2020 Dubai’s ambition to draw 25 million visits through its gates is on track after more than 1,000 authorised ticket resellers had been signed up in key markets around the world.
Combine the two, and you have millions of Expo visitors able to call home cheaply and easily to tell family, friends and business partners what a great experience they’re having, what a splendid city and host Dubai is, and why they’d like to stay.
A brilliant result when you’re looking to attract property and business investment from around the world.