If the PR advice you’re getting today sounds complicated, don’t allow this to be justified by the unprecedented circumstances we’re all facing.

While business, and life, has changed in so many ways and may never be the same, the basics of effective communications remain largely unchanged, and therefore should not be difficult to follow.

Simple is best for your brand, regardless of the product, service or experience it represents, and the audience you need to reach.

In a nutshell, PR means using all available communications channels and platforms to get your message across.

Some will be more effective and demand the bulk of your time, and in many cases that may mean ramping up your social media activity to reach the new and hungrier active users created by Covid-19.

Don’t, however, ignore traditional media, and risk losing whatever part of your audience still keep themselves in tune with what’s happening by following print and digital editions.

Right now, there has to be special consideration for the way your audience has been impacted, how the way people go about their lives has changed.

So your message may need adapting, modifying, given a new slant, a different tone.

As always, be honest, keep it straightforward, don’t promise what you can’t deliver, and avoid trying to cram in too much information, and risk losing your audience.

Keep this in mind whichever communications channels you use to position your brand.

The same for any live or virtual events offering good opportunities to get in front of those you want to reach.