A few weeks ago I stumbled across a box of pencils hidden in a drawer.
I found they worked better than either of the Mont Blanc pens I own.
No good for writing cheques, but perfect for every day jotting down of notes and messages.
So I started using them daily, to the point where they needed sharpening.
So I bought a three dirham sharpener from the supermarket.
On the same day, it took more than an hour to get through to the phone company to check a billing issue.
Mostly because the virtual advisor couldn’t understand what I was saying.
After being cut off several times, I Tweeted the phone company to ask if they had any humans I could speak to.
They asked me to DM them to explain what I wanted.
I told them - no, you’re the phone company, call me.
Which they did, and we sorted everything out quickly.
So what’s the point?
It’s just that pencils seem to work better than virtual advisors.
And there’s not much technology in a pencil.
So maybe technology is not always the answer.